meet the author.

Kendall Fletcher, a Young Adult/New Adult Queer Fantasy Fiction writer, has been writing constantly since they were just twelve. Their writing journey was sparked by their childhood fascination with Lemony Snicket’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events,” igniting a fervent desire to write stories of their own. They are the author of the self-published novel “Sparks,” released in 2020, the first of many in a planned series of queer urban fantasy books.
Writing Tumblr: imaginationxlost
Art Tumblr: lostximagination.
SheezyArt: lostximagination

Shared Open Universe License

I believe no one should Own an Idea

Unless otherwise stated, all writing on this blog is released under the Shared Open Universe License, also known as the SOUL.

The SOUL is a license in which the “creative content” of a work released under it is free for anyone to use in their own fanworks, even commercially, with the stipulation that their work is also under the SOUL. This is not a release of copyright, as the actual text is still protected, but of the characters, story, and setting. The intention of the SOUL is to foster collaborative storytelling where anyone is allowed to build off of other’s creative work to create something greater through collaboration.

  • Camp NaNo April 2024

    Camp NaNoWriMo April 2024: UNWRITTEN Unwritten is a direct sequel to my July 2021 Camp NaNo story, Sleepless. Ilario has been home for a couple months, and things should be looking up, but they aren’t. They feel more miserable than ever, and so very, very alone, as everyone he cares about is busy. And something…

  • NaNoWriMo 2020 Week Three

    I uh, finished the book yesterday. Twenty-nine chapters at 76,604 words for this first draft. More detailed post coming tomorrow!

  • NaNoWriMo 2020 Week Two

    I think these posts are just going to go up on Monday lol. I’m posting Daily Updates for my NaNoWrimo Project on my Tumblr/Twitter, and weekly updates here. As of the end of Week Two I am Officially a NaNoWriMo2020 Winner!

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